Paracentesis Results & Blood Bacteria
Results from the paracentesis from yesterday came back normal. Just excess fluid with nowhere else to go since my liver couldn't filter it so it just backed up into my abdomen.
It was confirmed that I do have a blood infection and it's not a bacteria you would normally find in blood. It's normally found on the skin so it needs to be treated. They are giving me an antibiotic (vancomycin) to fight it. It could do damage on its own with or without already having hepatitis.
EKG is normal. This morning I had an echocardiogram because my BP has been about 150/90 since I have been admitted and HR as high as 150 resting so they wanted to see if there are any abnormalities in my heart before the biopsy. Today it has been closer to 130/90 (small victories).
My blood still isn't clotting well and the liver bleeds a lot so they gave me plasma an hour before the biopsy to help with the bleeding.
Thanks for your prayers. I'll be down for a few hours for the biopsy. I'll let you know more when I know. I hope the biopsy goes well and my mom (Jackie) keeps her head while she is waiting.🤞
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