A Different Approach

2018 Thinking | Two local dietitians weigh in on common nutritional debates  | Crystal Run Healthcare

So, after my car accident on May 31st, I had some upper back/shoulder pain and my arms were tingly and falling asleep/going numb when I was sitting, so I decided to see a chiropractor. I searched on the Medicaid website for doctors. There were about 10 practices in Nampa that took Medicaid and only one that was accepting new patients. I recognized the name, he was someone that Wade had gone to in the past for a work-related injury years ago. I remembered the guy was a Christian, but also remembered thinking he was a little cooky - but aren't all chiropractors??

I showed up to my appointment and filled out what was bothering me and added my usual laundry list of issues that is my current medical history - not at all planning on talking to this guy (we'll call him Dr. Don) about my current liver situation. I was placed in the room and he came in, looked at my medical history, and the first thing out of his mouth was, "HOW old are you??" I told him and then started this eye-opening conversation about my liver, what could be causing it to be failing, but more importantly, how to get my body functioning again. I left a little overwhelmed with information that first visit and scheduled a follow-up adjustment (he did also address the reason for me being there - my sore back/shoulders that are chronically messed up from dental assisting.) Though overwhelmed, I remember my main takeaway, and his very insightful opinion was when he said something to the effect of  'God created the body. He made it to all work together. We are the ones who mess it up. We just need to help the body get back to doing what it's supposed to be doing.' He was, of course, referring to nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. 

Since being diagnosed with Celiac, my diet has completely changed. I have started to follow and read a ton about other people who live with Celiac and often 1-3 more autoimmune conditions. There are two sides of the spectrum, 
  • people who are miserable and are on a ton of meds, or
  • people who manage their disease with nutrition and lifestyle
The doctor's recommendation was to start taking supplements that promote liver function. He had given me a list of 4 supplements and 2 herbs. He 100% said that he was in no way a hepatologist, but was happy to try to help in any way that he could and I totally get that as well. What I am currently struggling with is at what point do I go against the hepatologists's recommendations if it is PBC to try something more homeopathic. He basically told me, I have to make that decision for myself. No one could make that decision for me. 

At one of my follow-up appointments, I said, "I just want a diagnosis so I know how to treat myself!" I was struggling with the fact that if I get confirmed to have PBC, the most common medication is steroids which has a ton of side effects which means more meds to help with those symptoms and it goes on and on... Dr. Don said, "Maybe you are looking at this the wrong way. Haven't you ever thought God was leading you in a certain direction and the door gest slammed in your face only for a window to open up somewhere else?" He was suggesting that maybe I wasn't meant to get or even need a solid diagnosis to start to try to fix my liver with supplements and nutrition. He thoroughly explained the ones he would suggest starting with, what was in them, and how much to take. 

I am now on a journey of taking a couple supplements, eating strictly gluten-free, and mostly fresh fruit and veggies, and try to get out and get exercise with the boys as much as we can!

On another related but separate note, I finally decided to just call the office here in Nampa for a follow-up appointment because the doctors in Utah are just so for away physically and I just felt like I needed to talk to someone to see what's going on in the background for my case. Glad I did that because it turns out that pretty much nothing is being done! I've had to hold their hands from day 1 in trying to get answers. The doctors here weren't going to follow-up with me and the doctors in Utah pushed my appointment back from July to August now. Needless to say, I am frustrated, but at least I know that I am trying to do something to help my liver out. I did get my blood drawn back on July 1st when I had my appointment with the doctor here and my liver enzymes have improved - but are still high. 
My AST and ALT are in the single hundreds instead of 3-400s back in March and 1200 in the hospital! Whether that is diet related or not, I don't know! Only future tests can tell. 

I have also joined a couple Celiac Facebook groups and have read a lot about people's struggles up to the point of diagnosis. I can definitely relate. Finally though, today, someone asked if anyone else had liver issues due to Celiac and I was shocked to find out that a lot of people do! A 13-year-old girl was told her liver looked like that of a 40-year-old alcoholic right before she was diagnosed with Celiac. Not that that is a good thing, but the commonality is that most of them said that as soon as they were diagnosed with Celiac and changed their diets to be gluten-free their enzyme levels dropped back down! So, there is hope! 

My goal is to eat healthy and gluten-free, take the supplements to promote liver function and try to get my liver back in working (enough) order that I can not have to take medication every day. That by far is the worst. 

Unfortunately, through this whole experience, I am still unable to work full-time (for many reasons) and am still struggling emotionally and sometimes physically. Celiac disease is a chronic and difficult disease that comes with its own symptoms and complications on top of the side effects of my medications and the fact that my liver doesn't work... PLUS add all this Covid nonsense and I'm just a hot mess sometimes! 

I am still appreciating all the prayers and financial support from friends, family, and others. It's been long 4 months for sure. Let's hope for an upward trend! 

GoFundMe link. 


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